The current legal notice (from now on, the “Legal notice” regulates the use of the Internet web service (from now on, the “Web”) of FAMILY EXPERIENCE SCA, with registered office in Argantonio street, 10, 11004, Cádiz, Spain. CIF: F56082886
The relations between FAMILY EXPERIENCE SCA and the users of its telematic services, appearing in the web, are with general nature, submitted to the Spanish legislation and jurisdiction.
The parties expressly renounce to the jurisdiction that can be corresponding. They also submit to Cádiz courts and tribunals, in order to solve any controversy that may happen in the interpreting or execution of the current contractual conditions.
The user is informed and accepts that the access to the current web doesn’t involve, in any way, the beginning of a business relationship with FAMILY EXPERIENCE SCA.
The owner of the web is not identified with the opinions given by its partners. The Enterprise reserves the right of effecting the appropriate modifications without notice, being able to change, to suppress or to add the contents and services which are provided in the web, as well as the way in which they appear presented or located in their servers.
The intellectual property rights of the web contents, its graphic design and its codes are FAMILY EXPERIENCE SCA ownership and thus its reproduction, distribution, public communication, transformation or any other activity that can be made with the web contents, not even citing the sources, except written consent by FAMILY EXPERIENCE SCA are forbidden. Every business names, brands or signs different from every kind of content in the enterprise web are property of the owners, being protected by the law.
The appearing links in FAMILY EXPERIENCE SCA web are merely for information purposes and it doesn’t imply any suggestion, invitation or recommendation to them.
For the purpose of the planned in 27 April 2016 GPDR, FAMILY EXPERIENCE is informing the user of the existence of an automated treatment with personal data to and for FAMILY EXPERIENCE SCA and under its responsibility, in order to perform maintenance and management of the relation with the user, as well as the information work. By the time of accepting the current general conditions, FAMILY EXPERIENCE SCA requires the User to collect some essential data, for its services delivery.
The register application filling is mandatory to access and to enjoy determined services, which are offered in the web. Not providing the solicited personal data, or not accepting the current data protection policy implies the impossibility of subscribing, registering or participating in any of the promotions in which personal data are requested.
For the purpose of what was planned in the 27 April 2016 GPRD, we inform you that the personal data obtained as a consequence of your registration as a user will be incorporated to a file owned by FAMILY EXPERIENCE SCA with CIF F56082886 and address Argantonio street 10, 11004 Cádiz, having implemented the security measures established in the Royal Decree 1720/2007, of 11 June.
The user is the only responsible of the veracity and correction of the included data, exonerating FAMILY EXPERIENCE SCA itself of any responsibility in this regard. The users ensure and respond, in any case, to the accuracy, validity and authenticity the provided personal data have, and they compromise to keep them properly updated. The user accepts to provide complete and correct information in the register or membership application. FAMILY EXPERIENCE SCA doesn’t respond to the veracity the non-self-made information have. They don’t assume any responsibility regarding hypothetical damages which can be created by the use of this information. FAMILY EXPERIENCE SCA reserves the right of updating, modifying or deleting the information contained in its webs, being able to limit or not allowing the access to this information. FAMILY EXPERIENCE SCA is exonerated of responsibility facing any damage or prejudice that will affect the user, as a consequence of mistakes, defects or omissions in the information given by FAMILY EXPERIENCE SCA, whenever it comes from other sources than from FAMILY EXPERIENCE SCA.
The website doesn’t use cookies, in the sense of data files physically located on the terminal of the User that serves to facilitate the navigation of the User along the site. Anyways, the User has the possibility of configurating the browser in a way that blocks the installation of these files.
Family Experience SCA purposes are the maintenance and relationship management with the user, as well as the information works.
When some of our services are directed specifically to minors, FAMILY EXPERIENCE SCA will ask for the parents’ or the legal tutors’ accordance, in order to collect the personal data or, in that case, to give the data an automated treatment.
FAMILY EXPERIENCE SCA won’t transfer any data to third parties.
You will be able to direct your communications and exercise the rights of access, rectification, suppression, limit, portability and opposition on the Internet web or by ordinary mail directed to FAMILY EXPERIENCE SCA, Ref. RGPD, in Argantonio street, 10, Cádiz. In order to exercise these rights it is necessary that you prove your personality to FAMILY EXPERIENCE SCA by means of sending a photocopy of your passport or any other legal mean. However, modifying or rectifying your registration data can be done in the owning website, identifying yourself with your user and password first.
FAMILY EXPERIENCE SCA has taken the levels of Personal Data security protection legally required and they procure the installation of those other means and additional technical measures, on its scope to avoid the loss, the improper use, the alteration, the non-authorised access and the theft of the personal data provided to FAMILY EXPERIENCE SCA, we won’t be responsible of possible liquidated damages derived from interferences, omissions, interruptions, informatic virus, telephonic faults or disconnection in the operational functioning of this electronic system, motivated by causes outside FAMILY EXPERIENCE SCA control; delays or blocks in the use of the actual electronic system caused by deficiencies or overloads of the telephone lines or in the Data Processing Centre, in the Internet system or in other electronic systems, as well as damaged that can be caused by third parties through illegitimate intrusions out of FAMILY EXPERIENCE SCA control. However, the user must be aware that the security measured in the internet are not impregnable.
The user declares having been informed about the conditions about personal data protection, accepting and consenting the automated treatment of them by FAMILY EXPERIENCE SCA, in the way and for the purposes indicated in the actual Personal Data Protection Policy. Some services provided in the Portal can contain particular conditions with specific forecast in terms of Personal Data.
Family Experience can offer the possibility of special discounts up to the 30 % to groups which attend the office located in Argantonio street, 10, 11004, Cádiz, to acquire trips or tours . For more information about these discounts, request them on the office.
Family Experience is saving the legitim right to offer gratuity to those habitual clients in this services.
Family Experience is saving the right to decrease the set out prices agreed to the current demand, in order to safeguard the possible loss caused in light of an incomplete trip.
The current legal notice (from now on, the “Legal notice” regulates the use of the Internet web service (from now on, the “Web”) of FAMILY EXPERIENCE SCA, with registered office in Argantonio street, 10, 11004, Cádiz, Spain. CIF: F56082886
The relations between FAMILY EXPERIENCE SCA and the users of its telematic services, appearing in the web, are with general nature, submitted to the Spanish legislation and jurisdiction.
The parties expressly renounce to the jurisdiction that can be corresponding. They also submit to Cádiz courts and tribunals, in order to solve any controversy that may happen in the interpreting or execution of the current contractual conditions.
The user is informed and accepts that the access to the current web doesn’t involve, in any way, the beginning of a business relationship with FAMILY EXPERIENCE SCA.
The owner of the web is not identified with the opinions given by its partners. The Enterprise reserves the right of effecting the appropriate modifications without notice, being able to change, to suppress or to add the contents and services which are provided in the web, as well as the way in which they appear presented or located in their servers.
The intellectual property rights of the web contents, its graphic design and its codes are FAMILY EXPERIENCE SCA ownership and thus its reproduction, distribution, public communication, transformation or any other activity that can be made with the web contents, not even citing the sources, except written consent by FAMILY EXPERIENCE SCA are forbidden. Every business names, brands or signs different from every kind of content in the enterprise web are property of the owners, being protected by the law.
The appearing links in FAMILY EXPERIENCE SCA web are merely for information purposes and it doesn’t imply any suggestion, invitation or recommendation to them.
For the purpose of the planned in 27 April 2016 GPDR, FAMILY EXPERIENCE is informing the user of the existence of an automated treatment with personal data to and for FAMILY EXPERIENCE SCA and under its responsibility, in order to perform maintenance and management of the relation with the user, as well as the information work. By the time of accepting the current general conditions, FAMILY EXPERIENCE SCA requires the User to collect some essential data, for its services delivery.
The register application filling is mandatory to access and to enjoy determined services, which are offered in the web. Not providing the solicited personal data, or not accepting the current data protection policy implies the impossibility of subscribing, registering or participating in any of the promotions in which personal data are requested.
For the purpose of what was planned in the 27 April 2016 GPRD, we inform you that the personal data obtained as a consequence of your registration as a user will be incorporated to a file owned by FAMILY EXPERIENCE SCA with CIF F56082886 and address Argantonio street 10, 11004 Cádiz, having implemented the security measures established in the Royal Decree 1720/2007, of 11 June.
The user is the only responsible of the veracity and correction of the included data, exonerating FAMILY EXPERIENCE SCA itself of any responsibility in this regard. The users ensure and respond, in any case, to the accuracy, validity and authenticity the provided personal data have, and they compromise to keep them properly updated. The user accepts to provide complete and correct information in the register or membership application. FAMILY EXPERIENCE SCA doesn’t respond to the veracity the non-self-made information have. They don’t assume any responsibility regarding hypothetical damages which can be created by the use of this information. FAMILY EXPERIENCE SCA reserves the right of updating, modifying or deleting the information contained in its webs, being able to limit or not allowing the access to this information. FAMILY EXPERIENCE SCA is exonerated of responsibility facing any damage or prejudice that will affect the user, as a consequence of mistakes, defects or omissions in the information given by FAMILY EXPERIENCE SCA, whenever it comes from other sources than from FAMILY EXPERIENCE SCA.
The website doesn’t use cookies, in the sense of data files physically located on the terminal of the User that serves to facilitate the navigation of the User along the site. Anyways, the User has the possibility of configurating the browser in a way that blocks the installation of these files.
Family Experience SCA purposes are the maintenance and relationship management with the user, as well as the information works.
When some of our services are directed specifically to minors, FAMILY EXPERIENCE SCA will ask for the parents’ or the legal tutors’ accordance, in order to collect the personal data or, in that case, to give the data an automated treatment.
FAMILY EXPERIENCE SCA won’t transfer any data to third parties.
You will be able to direct your communications and exercise the rights of access, rectification, suppression, limit, portability and opposition on the Internet web or by ordinary mail directed to FAMILY EXPERIENCE SCA, Ref. RGPD, in Argantonio street, 10, Cádiz. In order to exercise these rights it is necessary that you prove your personality to FAMILY EXPERIENCE SCA by means of sending a photocopy of your passport or any other legal mean. However, modifying or rectifying your registration data can be done in the owning website, identifying yourself with your user and password first.
FAMILY EXPERIENCE SCA has taken the levels of Personal Data security protection legally required and they procure the installation of those other means and additional technical measures, on its scope to avoid the loss, the improper use, the alteration, the non-authorised access and the theft of the personal data provided to FAMILY EXPERIENCE SCA, we won’t be responsible of possible liquidated damages derived from interferences, omissions, interruptions, informatic virus, telephonic faults or disconnection in the operational functioning of this electronic system, motivated by causes outside FAMILY EXPERIENCE SCA control; delays or blocks in the use of the actual electronic system caused by deficiencies or overloads of the telephone lines or in the Data Processing Centre, in the Internet system or in other electronic systems, as well as damaged that can be caused by third parties through illegitimate intrusions out of FAMILY EXPERIENCE SCA control. However, the user must be aware that the security measured in the internet are not impregnable.
The user declares having been informed about the conditions about personal data protection, accepting and consenting the automated treatment of them by FAMILY EXPERIENCE SCA, in the way and for the purposes indicated in the actual Personal Data Protection Policy. Some services provided in the Portal can contain particular conditions with specific forecast in terms of Personal Data.
Family Experience can offer the possibility of special discounts up to the 30 % to groups which attend the office located in Argantonio street, 10, 11004, Cádiz, to acquire trips or tours . For more information about these discounts, request them on the office.
Family Experience is saving the legitim right to offer gratuity to those habitual clients in this services.
Family Experience is saving the right to decrease the set out prices agreed to the current demand, in order to safeguard the possible loss caused in light of an incomplete trip.