Local time: Central Europe (GMT +1)
Area: 12.3 km2
Population: 116 027 inhabitants

Cádiz typical way of speaking is full of unique words and popular sentences and it takes part in the cultural heritage famous in our city.
People from Cádiz have a very particular way of speaking. They use terms and sayings which are only used in the city. When you talk to a person from Cádiz, you have to remember that, as all of the Andalusians, we speak quickly and we are used not to finish most of the words, that’s why the comprehension might be difficult even for Spanish people, especially at the beginning. You have to pay attention!
You will get more information in the following link: 

Communication: the Spanish dialling code is +34

Currency: as Spain is an Eurozone member, the Spanish coin is the Euro (€).
Foreign exchange: it is possible to change your currency in bank offices and also in exchange bureaux, which are located in the historic centre. There is another possibility: you can take out your money directly from the bank teller with your credit card, that way you will have your change automatically done. If you arrive to Spain by plane, you will be able to change your currency in the airport in where you land.
Bank account: opening a bank account in Spain can become a problem to the exchange students. Most of the banks ask the students to have a Foreigners Identification Number (NIE) as a requirement, but it is a document difficult to achieve. However, there are some bank offices located in the university campus that won’t request that document to the students. Despite that, you’ll be required a lot of procedures to activate the account.

Stolen/lost credit cards
-AmericanExpress: (+34) 900 814 500
-Mastercard: (+34) 900 97 12 31
-Servired: (+34) 902 19 21 00
-Visa: (+34) 900 99 11 24

Emergency numbers:
-Any emergency (police, firefighters, ambulance, etc.): 112
-National police: 091
-Municipal police: 092
-Firefighters: 080

Tips: in Cádiz, as well as in the rest of Spain, we are not used to give tips. In case we give them, they’re not above the 10 % of the total amount, although it depends on the restaurant and the service provided. In bars and discos it is not common to give tips. However, if you are satisfied with the service, it’s okay if you give some!

To consult which are the emergency pharmacies: https://www.cofcadiz.es/farmacias-de-guardia/

Alcohol and Tobacco consumption (+18)
Along these last years, tobacco consumption has decreased significantly, but it is allowed to smoke in most of the open areas. Cannabis use in Spain is tolerated, but you can be punished if you smoke in public spaces or if the cultivation is over the limits imposed by the Spanish law.
In Spain you can drink alcohol once you’re eighteen years old. You can do it in the catering establishments or at home in the funny “botellones”.